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NLV Renewals


You’ve received your visa, moved to Spain, settled in, AND THEN before you know it a year has flown by and the time arrives for your renewal.

The first thing to know is that you have a massive 5-month window of opportunity, and you can submit your application to renew at any time, starting 60 days before the TIE expiry date and up to 90 days after the expiry date of your TIE.

We recommend that you start the process early.

When it comes to renewal time (after the first year), you may want to think about modifying your TIE, to allow you to work (you will need to have a job offer) or start your own business and become self-employed.

Modification can be done anytime after the applicant has been resident in Spain for 12 months. Many people will prefer to renew their Non Lucrative so at least they have approval for years two and three, this means they can pursue a modification safe in the knowledge that their residency is already secure.

What do you need for the Renewal?

First, a full copy of your passport. This is to prove that you have not been absent from Spain for more than 10 months in total (up to the fifth year). A copy of every single page is required (including front and back!), it should be a good quality scanned copy, in PDF format, in a single file, and in page order.

Second funds. As with the initial NLV Application you will need to show the immigration that you can still support you and your family members (where applicable).

You must provide evidence that you have 400% of the IPREM. This is reviewed annually every January; for 2024, it’s set at €7200.00.  It follows, therefore, that 400% of IPREM is the equivalent of €28,800 a year. Each addition family member will require 100% of IPREM so a further 7,200€

REMEMBER that many/most areas want to see double the amount to cover 2 years!

*Double applies only to savings and investments and not to pensions.

For example a couple with a joint pension of 30,000€ euros, would have required 6,000€ additional savings during the initial NLV application process. 36,000€ being the total amount required (28,800€ plus 7,200€ for the second applicant).

HOWEVER, when it comes to the renewal they will need double the 36,000€ ... so 72,000€. The pension of 30,000€ is worth 60,000€ over the two years, however that still leaves 12,000€ to be covered by savings (in other words double the 6,000€ savings required in year 1).

Third healthcare, you need to show that you have kept up your cover or that you have S1 (and that it has been registered).

Don’t forget that after a year of being in Spain you can apply for the convenio-especial, this is especially attractive for anyone with major pre-existing conditions that have been excluded from your private health insurance.

Your ability to switch to convenio-especial may come too late for it to be included in your first renewal but it is something you should bear in mind for the reasons mentioned above. Cost €60 for under 65s and €157 for over 65s.

Fourth, the Marriage Certificate. This is the sole surviving document from your initial NLV application, yes you will require an updated marriage certificate, it will need translating and apostilling. Some areas don’t request it but experience tells us the vast majority will. So we recommend getting one.

Five, The Padron. You will require an updated padron, and if there are two of you, one each.

Six, Other Documents

If you have children, you’ll need to provide evidence that they are enrolled in school and attending classes regularly. This can easily be obtained from the school. Please be aware that most schools will be closed from the end of June through to the beginning of September so if you know you will need one make sure you have it before school closes.

Proof of residency, it is advisable to keep utility payments, rent paid, and bank statements with movements, to show that you really have been physically resident. Though, your passport stamps will go a long way to proving that.

I would strongly suggest filing a tax return for the first year (that is something that we can help with).

Seven, completed forms EX-01 and 790-052 (with proof of payment).

We can submit your application forms electronically on your behalf and behalf and advise on the necessary payments required.


This is a repeat of the process you went through when you first arrived in Spain, you’ll need an appointment at the immigration/police station, and you’ll need to take the approved visa and the required documentation. The TIE is for another day!


Up-to-date prices are on our website, and start at €150 for an individual applicant.


Irina Greensitt


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